Student Assessors to the Faculty Board

The Faculty of Science and Engineering has two student assessors. These are students that take part in Faculty Board meetings in an advisory capacity. Rooted in our collaborative culture as well as in Maastricht University’s Administrative and Management Regulations (BBRUM), the purpose of this position is that the opinion of students is heard and taken into account at all levels in the decision-making progress. To make sure that they are aware of all developments and to stay connected with the student members of the Faculty Council, the student assessors – being part of the Faculty Board – also participate in Faculty Council meetings.

Being the position that connects all the dots, one of the student assessors furthermore takes on the role as Chair of the Student Council.

Currently, the two student assessors are Julie Brouwer and Vitalii Kyzym. Julie is a Bachelor’s student in Liberal Arts and Sciences at University College Maastricht (UCM). Julie acts simultaneously as Chair of the Student Council.  Vitalii is a Bachelor’s student in Liberal Arts and Sciences at Maastricht Science Programme (MSP).

Please do get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about the policy and development of our faculty. You can reach us by email at and